Paulo Castro

I graduated in Anthropology at University Nova de Lisboa in 1996. In 2014 I obtained my PhD in Philosophy at the University Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, proposing an Epistemology of Choice related to the existence of free will and the impossibility of mechanically simulating human intelligence in AI. In 2015 I joined the Philosophy of Natural Sciences Research Group, at CFCUL, working on Philosophy of Quantum Physics. Three years after, defending a return to scientific realism in physics and a unification between the quantum and macroscopic scales, I started working on the Philosophy of Pilot wave theories. Although this is my main theme of research, I keep reflecting on Artificial Intelligence present implications, on the limitations of algorithmic thought and on AI ethics.

Áreas de Interesse:

Philosophy of Quantum Physics, Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence,

Situação no CFCUL:


Grupo de Investigação:

GI2 - Filosofia das Ciências Naturais (Colaborador/a)