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2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019|2003-2018


Mattia Petrolo, Ekaterina Kubyshkina, Giuseppe Primiero
(2024), A Logical Approach to Algorithmic Opacity. G. Boella, F. A. D'Asaro, A. Dyoub, L. Gorrieri, F. A. Lisi, C. Manganini, G. Primiero, In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Bias, Ethical AI, Explainability and the role of Logic and Logic Programming, BEWARE-23, Pág. 89–95, CEUR Workshops Proceedings, AIxIA Series, DOI:
E. Kubyshkina, Mattia Petrolo
(2024), Ignorance and its formal limits. F. Bianchini, V. Fano, P. Graziani, In: Current Topics in Logic and the Philosophy of Science. Papers from SILFS 2022 postgraduate conference, Pág. 131–142, College Publications
Mattia Petrolo, Giacomo Zanotti, Daniele Chiffi, Viola Schiaffonati
(2024), Two Dogmas of Trustworthy AI. Emiliano Ippoliti, Lorenzo Magnani, Selene Arfini, In: Model-Based Reasoning, Abductive Cognition, Creativity. , Pág. 163–178, Springer, DOI:


(2022), El problema de la medición em la serie Words and Years de Toril Johannessen”. João Paulo Queiroz, In: A via das máscaras: as artes em Congresso no CSO 2021, Pág. 1363-1372, Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes


(2021), The Beginning of the Universe as an Epistemological Frontier – Lemaître to Gamow. In: MCDSARE - Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on the Dialogue between Science & Arts, Religion & Education, Pág. 21-25
(2021), Three Limitations of Algorithmic Reason: Steering the Human Mind in the Twenty First Century. In: Proceedings - 3rd European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics ECIAIR 2021
(2021), Prolegomena to a Critique of Cybernetic Reason. In: 2021 IEEE Conference on Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century, Pág. 1-7, DOI:
(2021), El problema de la medición em la serie Words and Years de Toril Johannessen. João Paulo Queiroz, In: A via das máscaras: as artes em Congresso no CSO 2021, Pág. 1369-1378, Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes
Sara Fuentes, U. Fernández Piñeiro
(2021), errAresbien. Recorridos inesperados en el proceso de construcción de la investigación. In: “Del Buen Errar” Anuario/Obra, Vol. Colección ERRORESBIEN, n. 1, Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Vigo
Bruno Dinis, Bruno Jacinto
(2021), A nonstandard view on vagueness. G. Barmpalias, K. Tsaprounis, In: Proceedings of the 13th Panhellenic Logic Symposium.


(2020), Enfoques de investigación interdisciplinar: entre el Arte y la Filosofía de la Ciencia. In: Conference Proceedings. CIVAE 2020. 2ª Interdisciplinary Conference on Arts in Education, MusicoGuia, Repositório ULisboa:
Sara Fuentes, Olalla Cortizas
(2020), Constelacional, Portátil y Componible. El proceso creativo de Juan Fernando de Laiglesia, de la teoría a la praxis – y viceversa. In: De 'a Peste' a 'o Estrangeiro,' ou as Artes em 2020: Actas do XI Congresso Internacional CSO, Criadores Sobre outras Obras, Pág. 1266-1274, SNBA, Repositório ULisboa:
(2020), Imagen y Procesos de Investigación Interdisciplinar. T. Portnova, T. Gorozhankina, In: Eleventh International Conference on The Image. Visual Pedagogies: Encounters, Place, Ecologies, and Design, Common Ground Research Networks
J.A. Pequito Minga, M.I. Nobre Santos, José Carlos Tiago de Oliveira
(2020), Paisagens angolanas com vultos matemáticos, e outros académicos. In: Arte e Cultura na Identidade dos Povos – Actas do XXIX Encontro da Associação das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa, Pág. 401-439


(2019), A interpretação da equação de Price no contexto da teoria da evolução cultural. In: Proceedings of the Brazilian Meeting of History and Philosophy of Biology, Pág. 123-127
(2019), La metáfora en la obra de Jorge Perianes: una investigación sobre conceptos transversales al Arte, la Ciencia y la Filosofía. João Paulo Queiroz, In: Dez anos depois: o X Congresso CSO'2019, Pág. 1199-1207, Centro de Investigação e Estudos em Belas-Artes (CIEBA), Repositório ULisboa:
(2019), El archivo de imágenes como metodología de investigación interdisciplinar. In: Imagen [N]visible. IV Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Artes Visuales. ANIAV, Pág. 269-277, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, DOI:
(2019), “Ciência e Arte” de um ponto de vista inusual, o do cientista. In: Livro de Actas do 18 º International Meeting of Art and Technology: Of the admirable order of things. Art, emotion and Technology, FLUL/CIEBA
(2019), Theatre Directing as a laboratory of emotional practice. In: Livro de Actas do 18 º International Meeting of Art and Technology: Of the admirable order of things. Art, emotion and Technology, FLUL/CIEBA
Maria Estela Jardim, Nádia Vera Jardim
(2019), A cultura visual médica no virar do século XIX: da cronofotografia aos primórdios do cinema. In: Anais do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Vol. 17, n. 3, Pág. 21-24, DOI:
(2019), Teaching and Learning the Language of Chemistry: The Role of History and Philosophy of Science. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference "History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching", IHPST
(2019), Amplifying the concept of diagram with techniques of composition. In: Actas do Colóquio “Écrire comme composer: le rôle des diagrammes", Collège International de Philosophie

Para ver a produtividade científica antes de 2019 visite o Site 2003/2018