With psychedelic drugs (in a broad definition of the term) advancing to pharmaceutical-sponsored Phase 2 and 3 clinical trials, the mental health community is increasingly debating what these new treatments are all about. How much efficacious, and risky, can they be? And there is strong disagreement, ranging from panacea-like discourses to medical humbug alarms. In this talk, Brazilian neuroscientist Eduardo Schenberg, who researches these drugs for more than a decade, will present a panoramic map of the sector and inquire about important methodological, normative and regulatory tensions. And the main question to collectively discuss will be: can the philosophy of science come to rescue an increasingly fractured field?
Nota biográfica
Eduardo is a Brazilian neuroscientist, with a degree in biomedicine, a masters in psychopharmacology and a doctorate in neurosciences. He is Director of Instituto Phaneros, a non-profit organization in Brazil, and honorary researcher at University College London. Eduardo led studies on the effects of Ayahuasca using EEG and participated in the first neuroimaging study of the brain on LSD as honorary researcher at Imperial College London. In 2018 he published an article in Frontiers in Pharmacology about the Psychedelic Paradigm, which currently has over 110,000 views, sitting at the top 1% most downloaded and 6% most cited articles of the entire Frontiers scientific journals. Between 2015 and 2019, Eduardo carried out Brazil’s first clinical trial of MDMA to address PTSD, whose encouraging results were published by the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry. In 2011 he founded Phaneros Institute, which in February of 2022 launched the first facilitators’ training in MDMA and psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy research in Latin America, now with over 100 enrolled students. Eduardo is co-founder of the Journal of Psychedelic Studies, the International Society for Research on Psychedelics (ISPR), an honorary researcher at UCL and advisor to Ocama Partners and the Global Initiative for Psychedelic Science Economics (GIPSE).
O seminário será realizado presencialmente, no Anfiteatro da FCiências.ID, mas será possível assistir também em videoconferência, via Zoom.
Link Zoom
Morada Anfiteatro da FCiências.ID
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Edifício C1, Piso 3
Campo Grande, Lisboa