Baudouin Jurdant

Baudouin Jurdant (n. 1942, Belgium), Professor Emeritus at University of Paris 7, PhD in Psycology (1973) and PhD in Humanities (1984). Responsible for the Master in Science Journalism, University of Paris 7 (France). Science journalist since 1962, began teaching and research at the University of York (UK) and has since then researched and taught at University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg (France), University of Montréal (Québec, Canada), University of Tokyo (Japan), University of Vienne (Austria), University of Cambridge (UK), University Denis Diderot, Paris 7 (France) and Nova University (Portugal). Since 1992 has become a member of the editorial board of Public Understanding of Science, and is co-editor-in-chief of Fundamenta Scientiae. Baudouin Jurdant has worked on the border between Humanities and Natural Sciences and is interested in the theoretical grounds for Science Popularization and how can the different types of science communicate among themselves and with the public.


Professor Emeritus at University of Paris 7

Curriculum Vitae:
