Dimitris Bolis

I am a postdoc researcher at the Centre for Philosophy of Science, in the University of Lisbon, studying the multiscale dynamics of social interaction and the self, from both empirical and philosophical angles.

After receiving training in electrical and computer engineering (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and biomedical engineering (ETH Zurich), I obtained my PhD in medicine from the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry and the medical faculty of LMU Munich. My PhD thesis “I interact therefore I am: Human becoming in and through social interactions” traced the social origins of human becoming, while redefining psychopathology as interpersonal misattunement rather than mere brain misfunction, being awarded with distinction. Subsequently, I continued with a first postdoc on neuropsychiatry at the MPI of Psychiatry. In the meanwhile, I’ve studied and worked in various places including Portugal, Japan, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, Spain and Greece, having the opportunity to collaborate with research teams in diverse fields within behavioral sciences, neurosciences, psychiatry, philosophy, pedagogy, artificial intelligence and biomedical engineering.

In my empirical and conceptual research, I deploy the scientific framework of ‘collective psychophysiology’, across both humans and artificial agents. This enables the measurement and analysis of interpersonal attunement and self-related processing in social interactions across various scales and modalities, ranging from brain function and facial expressions, to eye movements, decision-making and subjective experience.

In a nutshell, my question has been ‘how do we become ourselves through others’?



Áreas de Interesse:

social interaction and the self,

Outros identificadores de autor:

Research Gate