Joan Bertran San-Millán \ jbertran@fc.ul.pt
I studied Philosophy at the University of Barcelona (BA, 2009), where I did my MA (2010) and PhD (2016) with a dissertation on Gottlob Frege’s logic. In 2016 I lectured at the University of Barcelona. Between 2017 and 2021 I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences. My research is focused on the history of early mathematical logic, with an additional interest in the history and philosophy of mathematics, theories of truth and the history of philosophy. I am currently working on a historical and philosophical analysis of the formalisation of logic in the late nineteenth century. In particular, my research focuses upon the relationship between Frege’s, Peano’s, Russell’s and Hilbert’s developments in mathematical logic.
FCULÁreas de Interesse:
History and philosophy of logic, History and philosophy of mathematics, History of philosophy,