Marlon Miguel
Marlon Miguel holds a double PhD in Fine Arts (Université Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis) and Philosophy (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). He taught for four years at Université Paris 8 as well as one semester at Leipzig University. He was a postdoctoral fellow at ICI Berlin Institute for Cultural Inquiry. His PhD-research focused on the work of Fernand Deligny and he is responsible for the organization and classification of Deligny’s archives stored at the Institut Mémoires de l’édition contemporaine (IMEC). Furthermore, he has published several papers as well as a dissertation on his work entitled À la marge et hors-champ: l’humain dans la pensée de Fernand Deligny (2016). His current research focuses on the intersection between art and (anti)psychiatry.
Áreas de Interesse:
Filosofia Contemporânea , Estética, Psicanálise e psiquiatria, Antropologia, Filosofia social e política,