O CFCUL tem o grato prazer de anunciara série de workshops sobre o tema Is Science Advice for Policy useful in modern societies?, organizada em colaboração com a Embaixada do Reino Unido em Lisboa, e que conta com a presença de especialistas e decisores político internacionais.
Os workshops decorrem em teleconferência nos dias 11, 18 e 25 de Março de 2021. A participação é gratúita, com inscrição obrigatória através do site do evento.
The Workshop Series Is Science Advice for Policy useful in modern societies?, to take place on 11, 18 and 25th March 2021, aims to contribute to a broader debate on the relation between science and policymaking. More specifically, it aims to discuss the nature of science and the appropriate extent of its contribution to policies and societal developments. The role of scientific policy advice, both at Parliament and Government level, will be discussed focusing on its challenges and risks, including the increasing extent of misinformation and the systematic undermining of science and scientific experts observed from parts of our society.
The generation and uptake of scientific information relatively to Covid-19 pandemic will be used as a focal example, providing an important opportunity to both learn about the current emergency itself but, more broadly and prospectively, to learn lessons and strengthen the science advice system in preparation for future challenges.