When philosophers of science and mathematics use the expression ‘applicability problem’, they usually refer to the philosophical problem of accounting for the successful application of mathematics in the empirical sciences. Nevertheless, there is another crucial aspect of the philosophical analysis of the successful interplay between science and mathematics. This aspect has to do with the successful application of (methods and concepts that are proper to) the empirical sciences in mathematics. In this talk the talk will focus on the philosophical problem that stems from the successful application of science in mathematics and will discuss it in relation to the issue of accounting for the successful application of mathematics in the empirical sciences.
Friday, September 9th 2022, 4:00 pm (Pacific Standard Time)
Zoom Link: https://chapman.zoom.us/j/98714792528?pwd=dnNGNk1rUTlGZCtJUHI5Vkp6bzRjUT09
Meeting ID: 987 1479 2528