Catarina Pombo Nabais \

Catarina Pombo Nabais is currently Researcher at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon. She graduated in Philosophy – variant Philosophy of Science – by the Faculty of Letters of Lisbon University (1998), obtained a Diplôme d’Études Approfondies in Philosophy at the University of Amiens, France (1999), and concluded her PhD in Contemporary Philosophy by the University of Paris VIII, under the supervision of Jacques Rancière (2007) with the highest distinction for a PhD dissertation in France. In 2016, she completed a Postgraduation in Art Curation by the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon (FCSH – UNova Lisboa).
Previously, from 2007 to May 2019, she was a Post-Doctoral fellow with 3 successive grants awarded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) at the Center for Philosophy of Science of the University of Lisbon (CFCUL) of which she is integrated member. From 2007 to 2014 she was the head of the Research Group (RG) “Science and Art”. In 2014 she proposed the creation of the Research Line “Science-Art-Philosophy Lab (SAP Lab)”. She is currently the vice-head of the Research Group (RG3) “Philosophy of Technology, Human Sciences, Art and Society”. She belongs to faculty of the International Doctoral Program “Philosophy of Science, Technology, Art and Society”, mainly in what concerns the area of “Science and Art”. She is currently supervising 4 PhD dissertations.
Her research interests include Contemporary Philosophy, Aesthetics, Philosophy of Nature, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science, Interdisciplinarity, Epistemology, Ethics and Ecosophy. She dedicates special attention to “Science and Art” interdisciplinary field, focusing her work on the concepts of Creation, Image, Body, as well as Participatory processes. Recently she has worked on self- design, biomedicine and tattoo (artistic and technological).
In 2013, she published her first book untitled Gilles Deleuze: Philosophie et Littérature, in Paris, by L’Harmattan, which was recently translated in English by Ronald Bogue, and published (2020) under the title Deleuze’s Literary Theory. The Laboratory of His Philosophy, in New York, by Rowman & Littlefield. Afterwards, in 2021, she edited a book on Creative processes in sciences and arts. The question of public participation (Processos criativos nas ciências e nas artes. A questão da participação pública, Lisboa: Afrontamento). Her last book, co-authored with Boris Groys, under the title: Philosophical Conversations, was published in 2022, by Coimbra University Press.
She has participated in many Conferences, Congresses, Workshops and other scientific meetings, both in Portugal and abroad, having been invited as Keynote speaker at, among others,  institutions such as UNAM University (Mexico), Université Paris 8, Collège International de Philosophie Paris,  (France), Universities of Campinas, of Bahia or of Santa Catarina (Brazil), Universities of Montreal and of Toronto (Canada), UNED (Spain), Tulane University (USA), Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (Holland), University of West England Bristol (UK).
She was guest-editor of the A/V Journal of Deleuzian Studies, n. 19, (Manchester, UK) and the online journal INFORME C3, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). She serves as reviewer for the journals Deleuze Studies (Edinburg, UK), Arte y Políticas de Identidad (Univ. Murcia, Spain) and for the Bloomsbury Academic Publishing (USA). She belongs to the editorial board of Revista IF-Sophia (Brazil), Aria Rivista (Italy), Kairos. Journal of Philosophy and Science (PT), ASRI: Arte y Sociedad. Revista de Investigación (Spain), Thema (Brazil).
In parallel, she develops a career as Art Curator. She has organized, among others, the exhibition “The most profound is the skin. Collection of IML tattoos from 1910- 1940”, at the MUDE – Museum of Fashion and Design, Lisbon, in 2017 which was considered by “Timeout” as one of the best of the year 2017. She is guest curator for the area of “Science, Art and Philosophy” of the International Science Festival ‘FIC.A’, organized by the Municipality of Oeiras. She is also the founder and curator of the Art Gallery “Oficina Impossível” in Lisbon, and guest curator of the Portuguese artistic group ”Coletivo à Linha”.



Áreas de Interesse:

Contemporary Philosophy, Science and Art, Philosophy of Science, Aesthetics, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics and Biopolitics, Ecosophy,

Situação no CFCUL:

Membro do Conselho Científico, Membro da Comissão Coordenadora,  Membro Integrado Doutorado

Projectos de Investigação

Como Membro: