Music Recommender Systems: A (Data) Science of Music Aesthetics?
Em: Semeiosis: semiótica e transdisciplinaridade em revista
Vol: 11
Nº: 1
Páginas: 31-47
DOI: http://10.53987/2178-5368-2023-12-02
This paper investigates to which extent and in which ways data sciences and Artificial Intelligence (AI), more specifically recommender systems, are transforming music aesthetics. The interplays between music and AI are not new in history. But while historically, from Athanasius Kircher to Magenta, the focus has been the automatization of creativity, I argue that a new horizon of interplays between music aesthetics and AI has emerged with the massive popularization of streaming platforms powered by recommender systems. I show how the task of music recommendation powered by AI is transforming music aesthetics in three dimensions: epistemological, normative, and phenomenological semiotic.