O seminário decorre de forma presencial: Sala 2.2.14, Edifício 2, Faculdade de Ciências
Graça P. Corrêa (Ph.D. in Theatre and Film Studies, Graduate Center of the City University of New York; Master degree Emerson College Boston, Licentiate degree in Architecture at UL, through grants awarded by FCT, Fulbright Commission and Gulbenkian Foundation) is a researcher in Science and Art /Philosophy of Technology at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, where she conducts interdisciplinary research as an integrated member & RG3-vice-head of CFCUL-Center for Philosophy of Sciences. Having worked as playwright, dramaturg and theatre director, she currently teaches graduate seminars in Directing theory & practice, Dramatic Literature and Theatre Theory at ESTC-IPL. She has taught at doctoral programs in UL, published articles and chapters in international peer-reviewed journals and books, on Empathy in art (film, theatre) & neuroscience, emotion/affect theory, ecocriticism, and aesthetics of AI-generated art.
Daniel Gamito-Marques is a historian of science working as a Research Fellow at the Interuniversity Centre for the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT), NOVA School of Science and Technology. His research currently focuses on the links between science, diplomacy, and colonialism during the Portuguese Scramble for Africa. He is a member of the Commission on Science, Technology, and Diplomacy of the DHST/IUHPST. He has also studied playwriting in artistic laboratories at the D. Maria II National Theater and the New Dramaturgies Festival. He has been involved in creative projects that integrate the arts, the humanities, and the sciences. He wrote and directed The Science of the Future (2019), a play on the misogynist and racist legacies of phrenology, and published All Too Human (2021), a play that discusses the ethical dilemmas arising from the development of medical treatments.