CALL FOR SHORT PRESENTATIONS – AI Aesthetics and Philosophy of Technology II
Anfiteatro FCiências.ID e Videoconferência, Lisboa
06 / 03 / 2023 - 30 / 03 / 2023

The exploratory research workshop “Performing with AI Aesthetics: Promptology, Style, Acting, Norms, Noise & Modality Fusion” aims to delve deeper into the complex and multifaceted interdisciplinary field of AI aesthetics testing limits by tentatively “opening the black box” and exploring the challenges AI aesthetics poses for notions of generativity, authorship, ownership, human-machine co-creativity, performativity, dramaturgies of technology, human culture, sociality, mediality, and promptology.

Participants (max. 20) are invited to actively engage with the workshop with a 10- 20 min research statement/unpublished working paper presentation or with a 5 min problematization or a short comment. Inquiries and inscription with a title and a short abstract (300-500 words) and up to 5 keywords should be sent to: amgerner@fc.ul.pt.

Deadline: 30/3/2023

Participants are invited to contribute to a Special Issue on “AI Aesthetics” Semeiosis, USP, Brazil (by May 20th, 2023).

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