The attribution of affective and cognitive states, and various kinds of agency, to nonhumans is liable to both false positives and false negatives. There are systematic reasons to expect errors of certain kinds. Some of these have to do with our nature or the nature of the technology, and some arise because the technology is developing in the context of massive inequalities of knowledge, power and wealth. Background factors make matters worse, but there are solutions to all these problems. It is possible to imagine very different kinds of AI and ways of implementing it in robots.
O seminário será realizado presencialmente, no Anfiteatro da FCiências.ID, mas será possível assistir também em videoconferência, via Zoom.
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Morada Anfiteatro da FCiências.ID
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Edifício C1, Piso 3
Campo Grande, Lisboa