Dinâmicas do conhecimento na área das ciências sociais: abdução, intuição e invenção
Knowledge dynamics in the field of social sciences: abduction, intuition and invention
Investigador Principal
Olga Pombo \ GI3 - Filosofia da Tecnologia, Ciências Humanas, Arte e Sociedade
Francisco Salguero \ Universidade de Sevilha
2011 - 2013
Descrição do Projecto
Knowledge Representation must take account of a not very developed aspect in the theories about acquisition, transmission and manipulation of knowledge: dynamicity. The logical models for cognition must be dynamic instead of static as it is usual in computing when they deal with closed data-bases and apply classical deductive logics to them in order to extract different kind of inferences off those data without considering enrichment or change. To get that we are searching about how Dynamic Epistemic Logic can offer a frame to represent common knowledge for a set of agents who interact in a social group, its acquisition and its enrichment. We will also develop decision procedures and the generation of the contexts for interpretation by means of the application of abductive logics and semantic tableaux (namely DB-tableaux) in a Game Theory Semantics framework (GTS), leading us to an abductive model for invention and for intuition in the development of scientific theories in the field of social sciences. We will also study the application of abductive processes and dynamic models to diagrammatic thought, the phenomena of emergency in social sciences and the intuitive and fictional processes for the generation of complex concepts and theories.
Instituições Participantes
CRUP - Acções Integradas Luso-Espanholas
Financiamento atribuído:
Investigador Principal
Olga Pombo \ GI3 - Filosofia da Tecnologia, Ciências Humanas, Arte e Sociedade
Francisco Salguero \ Universidade de Sevilha
Alexander Gerner
Ana Paula Silva
Catarina Pombo Nabais
GI3 - Filosofia da Tecnologia, Ciências Humanas, Arte e Sociedade
Hassan Tahiri
João Luís Cordovil
GI2 - Filosofia das Ciências Naturais
José R. Croca
GI2 - Filosofia das Ciências Naturais
Luís Homem
GI3 - Filosofia da Tecnologia, Ciências Humanas, Arte e Sociedade
Marco Pina
GI2 - Filosofia das Ciências Naturais
Nuno Jerónimo
GI1 - Filosofia das Ciências Formais, Metodologia e Epistemologia
Ângelo Cid Neto
Andrés Cordón Franco
Universidade de Sevilha
Ángel Nepomuceno Fernández
Universidade de Sevilha
Cristina Barés Gómez
Universidade de Sevilha
Fernando Soler Toscano
Universidade de Sevilha
Francisco José Salguero Lamillar
Universidade de Sevilha
Hans van Ditmarsch
Universidade de Sevilha
Ignacio Hernández Antón
Universidade de Sevilha
Mario de Jesús Pérez Jiménez
Universidade de Sevilha
Andrés Rivadulla Rodríguez
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Luis Fernández Moreno
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Joost J. Joosten
Universitat de Barcelona
David Fernández Duque
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México
Pascual Martínez Freire
Universidad de Málaga